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Unloved, becoming unlovable

With each passing disappointment

Resenting what love there was

Demanding it to be more

Than it was, wanting it to be more

Be deeper than I believed

It possibly could be,

I ran out of love’s reach altogether.


Now I have been caught by love from behind.

God has wrapped his warmth

In the fragrance of another human

A woman at that

And hammered me on the head

With a burden of love bearing me

As it bears down on me

Burdening my heart

With a burden bearable

Possibly only if divided

Between equal hearts.


I still cannot trust

What I feel

But believe what I trust

And hope that I will feel

What I trust to be real

For the tomorrows and the todays

rescued from unloving

pained-heart yesterdays.


So for now I have stopped running

And am sitting on the sideline

Watching love play a game

With you and me

And maybe creating

Something like "us".


There is no referee

To blow the whistle

And to call the game off

And no time out, nor half time.


Fri vers av Björn Donobauer
Läst 566 gånger
Publicerad 2008-07-02 14:09

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