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The Weeping Willow




The weeping willow




Soft-jointed, boy-floppish

we slumped on the shadow-side

bole-shadowed soft grass

perfect hideout

grubby small hands opening

showing treasures to another

like: half-dead tadpoles

glittering aluminium foil,

matchbox filled with dead lobworms


We grew up

The willow died

she ran out of tears

as we lost the need

to cry beneath her

and the ability to be full

of either joy or sorrow


We never knew

that the willow didn’t weep

for us but lived

only from our tears

as long as we

were small enough inside to be human

and could cry for life and death

leaning on the trunk

touching base with our inner anchor.


Now we are adrift

and the willow weeps no more.



Dagbok av Björn Donobauer
Läst 867 gånger
Publicerad 2008-07-02 14:17

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