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My eyes are open, yet I cannot see
this agony that´s haunting me.

The red has turned black, the beauty is gone.
I live in the dusk, though I searched for the dawn.

The music is soothing, the tunes are tuned well.
It is in the music that lovers can dwell.

But I lost touch with music, the music is dead.
I leave now with nothing, but my blood-shed red.

I give it all up, I turn myself in.
I leave now this body, I flee from my skin.

Life left me broken, the madness of it all.
The burden and the beauty - they all made me fall.

My eyes are now closed, so I am now free
from this agony that´s been haunting me.

Fri vers av Daybreaker
Läst 499 gånger
Publicerad 2005-10-28 22:58

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