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A story that needs to be told

This is a story that needs to be told.
This is a story, as new as it´s old.
This is a story of freedom and faith.
This is a story of love and of hate.

The story begins with a smile and a tear.
A voice is calling the things you held dear.
The voice is anger, is beauty, is loss.
The voice is calling for blood on the cross.

The truth now descends into deepest dark.
Frightened eyes searching for slightest spark.
Looking for a way to soothe the pain.
Looking for the way back again.

The story repeats itself, always once more.
We can´t find the truth when we are left sore.
The hate and the pain and the tears of it all.
We can´t catch the beauty within the fall.

But we´ll rise again, once more.
And we´ll find the beauty, for sure.
Our broken hearts will mend.
Together we will ascend.

This is a story of the human kin.
This is a story from deep within.
This is a story, as new as it´s old.
This is a story that needs to be told.

Fri vers av Daybreaker
Läst 443 gånger
Publicerad 2005-11-03 22:23

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