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I took something
from her
that wasn\'t supposed
to be taken
And now
her world
is shakened
All these questions
that eats her up
leaves her
frustrated and in wain

I saw her
once in controle
I saw her
once so strong
Now I see her
She lost control
of her body
and her mind
She surrendered
before my eyes
and crying
under my hands

This is what love does
it brings madness
into our hearts
and makes us do
unforgetable things
beyond our control

I watch her
oh such tormenting
she\'s lying naked
in my bed
without focus
She lost herself
a long time ago
I feel like
a vampire
in the night
Praying on her love
feeding my flame
with her sence
Satisfying my hunger
with her body
and burning
under mine

Fri vers av SeXara
Läst 525 gånger
Publicerad 2008-06-19 16:10

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