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Mats Henricson

75 år Male icon från Eskilstuna


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  Sveriges värnpliktiga har, dessvärre, drabbats av flera dödsolyckor under de senaste åren, senast igår (20.5) förolyckades en värnpliktig vid en skarp skjutövning. Mitt bidrag handlar om Hur Stor Risk Man Tar som Värnpliktig Soldat. Baserad på en Sann hi

\"Accidents happens..\"

Once upon a time
in the icecold Swedish snow
a troup of swedish fighters
threw themselves down low
This is what happened:
We were training \"Walk Attack\"
with Deep Spredth
5 meters between us in track
but u must see your \"neighbour\" as well
for safetys sake
to know where he is
we had Sharp \"cakes\"
gives a deadly \"kiss\"
And never more than fifteen meters
behind the next left guy
those were the rules for us \"creatures\"
u can understand why
But in the troup there was a man
\"Gambi\" he was called
He, often, did´nt understand
all what we were told
He , maybee, lost something
and got long behind
and trying to find that \"thing\"
His left friend got out of sight
and Gambi did´nt react
but he should have shouted high
that is for a fact
Then the officer screemed: FIRE !!
and HELL boomed over us
Gambi also fired
as he thought he must
Suddenly I felt bullets switching CLOSE
and threw myself in snow
my neigbour did the same
We ,already, guessed the shooters name
I was horrified
felt Death so very near
cause of that \"corny\" guy
I shivered for fear
The officer screemed: STOP FIRE !
and silence came over us all
relief and chock, too
Mr Gambi got a call
the officer was in rage ,too
Gambi was later prohibited
no more guns for him
just trucks for him divided
\"The accident was slim\".....

Fri vers av Mats Henricson
Läst 354 gånger
Publicerad 2008-05-21 08:49

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Ewa-Britt Nilson VIP
So can it be, the one
who doesn´t do it right
can give his neighbour
an very early night...
Well written as always!

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