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  06.02.01 22.52 with - Heather Nova (Nick Cave Cover) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chzqZcuKZvw

'Ship song'

Lend me your hand
and we’ll open that door

it isn’t more of a trouble
for you than for me

let’s share that touch
let us fall in silence

a sadness transcend upon thee
as your gifts get clouded

May your longing sound!

Janus spin that head around before me
bow in each step you circle

with that tongue your words declare
such scared violin will widows see
each note of touch you give me

melts away

for your tears are equally shared


Lest fear is not free
your heart flies yonder

above that rim where we
do no longer see

and aimlessly wander
through thoroughly in agony

finally you do surrender
your keys

give me that touch
that heartfelt stroke of pain inside me
make your bow resound

a twang made such
in gathered trust

we hold a tang in hand
to keep each other


Alight what fire
that burns a way

true light descend
all split notes amend

we stand on tumbling ground
a shaking hold is all

we’ve got each other
lest we not fall

bellow that rim
as much
we depend upon

a longing touch


lend me your hand
and we’ll open that door

there we might see
edged faces tremble

release that bow again

soundness of feather
whisper dreams unsaid

words you never had
in tongue and point

unshaken bid surcease
for what may become of thee


twofold moment
of destiny do declare

Oh all gods beware!
We’re coming down upon you!

To see if heaven is truly there!
Now you must let your voices sing!

And the souls transfixed behind me!
They do in a chord join in!

Each n other release a string!
Make your longing sound!

So all gods beware!
We’re coming down upon you!

Let’s see what you have to share!
Except for keys made uncertain!


lend me your hand
and we’ll open that door

with a twofold touch

those keys we carry
to our border

some may say we are merry
at ease with pain and sorrow

but I do declare
there is naught to be found elsewhere

than what is really here

for the love of life

Make your heart sing true!
And I’ll walk beside you!

To my ending breath!
To the final taut cord is cut to pieces!

With a twofold touch we do spin!

Now let us in!

Fri vers av Nightngale
Läst 1014 gånger
Publicerad 2006-02-02 00:58

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Nick Caves "ship song" är en av mina absoluta favoriter så jag är grymt partisk men du gör mig knäsvag (vet att har svårt för det men kunde inte motstå) med den här..

Come sail your ships around me
And burn your bridges down
We make a little history, baby
Every time you come around

Lång text, det här...
Men innehållet skiftar och fängslar
stundom väldans
Det bästa du skrivit på engelska...
...tycker jag.

Make your heart sing true!
And I’ll walk beside you!

Need I say moore...?

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