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  06.02.12 14.12 with – Heather Nova http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1bRhSRQMB0

”Like a Hurricane”

With a voice like thunder
and a lightning step
a whirlwind across the deck
sweeps me away into whipping wind

a dread, a fall and a deep blue sea
memories are abound to undo me.

Lass so brass and bold and true!
Where in the world are you!

Lost in dark without a spark
behold that light alight
with never trembling fears
unable to tell difference

between you and me
what might
shared harmony.

Unfold that touch of yours!
Amend a reaching soul!

I twist and spin
without a hold
in dark and darker

no light to see

bereft of ground
to stand upon
to reap my time
to turn that glass
in hand

I make my final stand
a slow approach
a gesture clear
I do declare

”I’m here”.

Fri vers av Nightngale
Läst 492 gånger
Publicerad 2006-02-12 14:33

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