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Descending from a waning moon
we arrived, arose, in bloom
to shine, my love, la Lune!
we died,
we lied.
My love, create my soul anew.

I'll rise, I'll bring, the turn
of Fate upon you love, to burn!
Yes, we'll burn, we'll learn
to die,
and lie;
caress me, bring me yet again to life!

Shiver, kiss me, bleed! Let's dance
around our mind, in coma, trance!
Embrace me, love, embrace the chance
to die,
to lie,
and live with me forevermore!

No hatred, bloodshed, nor the lies
shall stain my kiss, it never dies!
Merely hiding on your lips, disguised,
by the witchcraft of your eyes.

Bunden vers av Lethe
Läst 383 gånger
Publicerad 2011-06-29 09:24

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tycker om den texten, med sin stilla och kärleksfulla trollkraft

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