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  Läser lite, och funderar. Januari 2012

To E.A.P.

Did you mourn for evermore
the loss of your beloved Lenore?
You're possessive, near obsessive,
who was she, this loved Lenore?

Did thy raven speak of savin'
thine memory of this beloved Lenore,
or did it speak to make you weak
and forget the dead and cold Lenore?

Did it bury in a hurry
the tears you shed for your Lenore,
or did it mind to just remind you
of the love you held for her, Lenore?

In what wall or endless hall
did you bury your Lenore?
Or is she still, by your own will,
alive, this young and sweet Lenore?

I feel thy sorrow, burning, hollow
for thy loss of your Lenore.
Now, your soul, in high, in low,
rests it evermore beside Lenore?

Bunden vers av Lethe
Läst 371 gånger
Publicerad 2012-02-01 14:16

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Larz Gustafsson VIP
Poe var en stor konstnär.
Trodde först du menade partiet EAP...

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