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In our world

I hold you tight
In my mind
But all I hug, so tightly
is but a ghost of your kind

I hold your shadow in my hands
In my grasp
But wherever we stand
At nothingness we\'ll gasp

Why I have to leave
In our time
I don\'t know, but in the eve
In the eve of our morning there is no time

There\'s no time for us
In our world, In my world
However much I wish for us
Time itself is cold, so cold

Coldness seeping through my veins
In my limbs
I try to run, but all in vain
I cannot flee to you, to our sin

Sinless, Sinfull, Sinfullness
In our joining
Atrocities, breaking all in our bliss
And in the bliss we\'re rejoicing

Fri vers av Staffan Åhlvik
Läst 560 gånger
Publicerad 2005-11-21 11:53

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Staffan Åhlvik
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