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#!/bin/bash - a love poem in bash (hackerpoesi)

#a poem about you and me in bash

read me
read you

if [ $me != $you ];then

echo \"please\"
echo \"please, see me\"
echo \"please, love me\"

elif [ $me = $you ];then
echo \"yes\"

for i in $(echo $you);do

case \"$i\" in

hair ) echo \"your $i is like a cascade of light in moonlight\";;

eyes ) echo \"your $i is like a starlit sky stretching out towards infinity with sparkles flying, burning up the stratosphere\";;

shoulders ) echo \"your $i are like golden dunes in a desert of joy, softly rounded with a glowing sheen bristling with delight\";;

* ) echo \"your $i makes me skittish with feelings, longing to touch every aspect of you\";;


exit 0

Fri vers av Staffan Åhlvik
Läst 462 gånger
Publicerad 2006-05-19 23:33

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AAH! Den här gillade jag! Originellt och väldigt intressant om man kan programmera (: good jobb!

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