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The springs inside will leak

Lovisa Lindbom

Inside myself, your- self a sea is leaking down through the springs,

Just as your wishes for the future,

There will come a flood of words,

A flood of sensations, grab it, feel it, be it, live it,

Don’t look back.

Look forward.

See the light in the tunnel,

The tunnel that you have been so truly going thru,

So deeply, flooded with emotions and actions,


You will be able to use that wisdom.

Come forward, don’t look back, Come forward.

There has been hurts, I know.

We all know that there have been hurts.

But don’t let you be down by them, so deep down,

Because you have already been there.

That’s enough, say that’s enough!

Don’t look back anymore.

See through the door.

There will be endless possibilities,

Because in this world it exist everything from soul to matter.

You can grab it, strive for it, release it,

Release your dreams.

Let them free.

Be patient, strive, be patient, strive, be patient again.

Two sides, find the balance deep inside.

The perfect balance of two oppositions.

A combination that makes up the whole.

You exist! You have a purpose!

Libra, Aries, one and seven, is that it?

Or am I making up a story?

It doesn’t seem so to me.

The answers, the proof, the clues are all there.

Release it. Hold on to it, be patient.

Strive for it.

Don’t look back anymore.

Grab it. Hold on to it. Be free.

Be yourself, be you, come forward.

Release it.

Don’t make up predictions of the future.

Feel what you want and be.

Say, communicate now.

Tell the truth,

The truth is big and small and needs to be told in sensed words.

Feel it, release it, be patient,

Strive for it, sleep.

You know what’s important.

Be patient, it will come to you,

The springs inside will leak and release you,

If you want to be released,

No more worries.

Sleep, wish and be.

The future will find its own way

Through your actions in the present.






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