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Låten Tom Dooley handlar om Tom Dooley som hängdes för mordet på Laura. Han hävdade i sin sista stund att han var oskyldig.

Tom Dooley

Tom Dooley was a handsome young soldier who courted two girls. Laura and Anne. Now, Laura was smitten by handsome Tom, who was in love with her, but her infatuation ran out, and she was no longer in love with Tom. However, her infatuation came back, and she was again in love with Tom. She decided to run off with him and took whatever clothes she had and took the horse and rode off to meet him. She never returned. her body was later found by grayson, and this led to the arrest of Tom. Several people who knew Laura were suspected. And so Tom was hanged. Till his last moment, he declared his innocence, and said that this little hand is innocent, I never touched a hair on that girls head. Later the trapdoor fell and Tom was dead.

Fri vers av Sofia hellgren
Läst 274 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-12-09 20:46

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Sofia hellgren
Sofia hellgren