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Poem...I can+´t write. I suck.

Pluto-the lord of the underworld
in his book
a darkened room
he reads about space
under bloodstreamed eyelids
the angered son
the moon fights him
the souls evolution
the space

he smiles vaguely, at
death and rebirth
at the beautiful god
nighttime caresses
sleeping beasts and otherwordly
beings in universe
that awake at his command
to rip apart mortals

great sleeping
great ever watching
that opens his eyes
to reveal space and time
hideous dephts of evil
head of a lion
body of a human
he sleeps

the boy reads on
dualistic nature
mystic underworld

blood streaming
the whole room,
grape red pulsating grape
blood running
small children laughing
invisible ghosts at play
he laughs
mysterious creation
university of Talahassee
(where Ted Bundy once stalked his prey)
dark lecture halls
where a black man once taught dead now
before bored students
physics chemistry
uranus the mystic

Books about
quantum physics
dying Amber
silent in her sleep
Wild orhid growing without a care
daydreaming about flowers dead or dying
pressing out small seeds
like blood from the flower

two girls black and white photograph
one dead now
another alive with children in tow
writing letters with swirling words
smiling at her friend
dressed in white
writing at her porch
while nigger Joe sings outside

spirit photography
lament to the dead
photographs of dead japanese people
writing on her face, a chinese scroll

Death triumphant (schilling scroll)
grins as he collects souls.

Fri vers av Sofia hellgren
Läst 277 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-31 17:43

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Sofia hellgren
Sofia hellgren