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Axis Blue

A venomous but sexual prison where you are the host
Is where i indulge myself the most

The crystal poison from what i the perfect dose
Is where i indulge myself the most

Broken homes where i leave with the sun like a ghost
Is where i indulge myself the most

Suit and tie whiles drinking wine and preparing a toast
Is where i indulge myself the most

You see me all soft and tender
But next night i'll fuck my gender
Stricken by scary STDs
They use me up until it bleeds
Chaos breathes from my qruiser
I'm the king and you're the loser
Age differecnes are not that strong
There's not a place i dont belong

I am
The god
Of Sexuality
My Name

Fri vers av VersusEarth
Läst 135 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-02-09 00:13

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