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Text skriven på en utbildning (som vanligt.. det är på dem som min inspiration kommer...) Kommer bli en Hillaz-ballad om allt går vägen

Just Another Drink

If I could find someone like you,
would the voices stop?
If I could be normal like you,
would the world make more sense?

Would the darkness clear?
Would these empty fears fade away?

If I could breathe, would I be safe?
would this envy stop?
If I was brave, would there be hate?
Would I turn and walk away?

Would I take a stand?
Would I cramp another smile and say….

…I’m not ok, I don’t feel brave
Think I lost the pieces I had left to save
I need help, I need a drink
Think I need someone to lift me when I sink

Don’t want to cry infront of you
So I take another glass
Don’t want to feel this mutant love
So I waste my time on play

I will never be clear..
I will never stand and say…

…I’m not ok, I don’t feel brave
I have lost the parts worth to save
I need help so give me a drink
That is all just another drink

Leave me alone, I take it back
I can deal with this on my own
Close your eyes, don’t want to be seen
That is all, let’s have another drink

Övriga genrer av Serendipidy
Läst 430 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2005-11-03 15:57

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