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A poem about a man who has been betrayed by the one he loves, and his decision to move on...

Twilight's End

I have no more need for your touch,
I no longer care about your heart.
I will not be part of your future,
which I am about to break apart.

I gaze upon the willow trees outside,
as I remember tears that has gone dry.
So shall the memories of you disperse,
they shall drift far into oblivion and die.

I understand that you feel forsaken,
but there is no truth in your regret.
My innermost has already said good bye,
it was a mistake that we ever even met.

I cannot alleviate you from your solace,
you have brought this end upon yourself.
I walk out the door with hope in my life,
and so begins the saga of my new self.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Emoetry
Läst 168 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-03-12 22:36

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