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I'm walking in a forest
suddenly I hear a scream
it is from my heart
I hear a scream to it from my soul.
Drugs make me feel so lost and.
drugs make me into a monster


I want to put a gun to your head
Bang bang now you are dead
tonight I will fight for all the right
tonight I will fight for all the rockers
bang bang I want to FIGHTS
I lose my fucking control
I lose my fucking control every time

vers 2
I am waiting for the rain to
drain through the hole in my head and
weeding out all the crap.
I want to stop using drugs.
but it is so hard and
I scream in pain.

Ref 2

I want to put a gun to your head
Bang bang now you are dead
tonight I will fight for all the right
tonight I will fight for all the rockers
bang bang I want to FIGHTS
I lose my fucking control
I lose my fucking control every time

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av adammm
Läst 287 gånger
Publicerad 2010-04-20 02:37

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