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Drama King

Is it already written and saved?
oh my pounding

and once more I feel sleepy
and I thought that i had grown
and that I would grow
but I didn't

my head hurts
oh god it hurts
my neck is spared but
my salvation is far

so why may I
would I
continuously bring God
to my attention

and into your picture
because this
is not
about me


you give me headache
not because you're evil
but because you're not
every person i know

is human

but you're not
you're sacred
thy holy spirit
thus divine secret

and I will write again,
the constantly returning,
drama king I am

Fri vers av CanisMajoris
Läst 187 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-05-18 22:55

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