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WWW.SERP.NU/SAMUELRAJEUS.SERP.NU "Militär styrka är livsviktig för Israel, men den kommer aldrig att lösa landets verkliga problem: den stinkande belägringen av Gaza." Amos Oz, DN den 02 juni 2010


The Israeli military attack on Gaza aid ship on Monday with deadly outcomes is an evidence of how afraid Israel is to lose control of the situation in Middle east and particularly in Palestine. It is obvious that the military attack was unproportionate and very aggressive, though it was carefully planed, I assume.

However it is essential to look at the event from the angle the Israelis and the Israeli forces see it. Israelis know that if they should let the convoy to enter Israeli water and get to Gaza Strip it could be a beginning of a huge number of humanitarian ships heading to the Gaza Strip in order to deride the Israeli government and hoping to soften the blockade. Do not forget that the Israeli government and the Israeli people do not have any respect deep down for European governments looking back to the history of how the Israeli people have been treated and massacred of European countries. So getting aboard a number of Swedes on a ship and heading to the Gaza hoping that one can break the Israeli blockade of Gaza was just a very childish way of solving the problem, because as I said, for the first Israeli government has no respect for/confidence in European countries, particularly Sweden based on the bloody history before and during the Second World War. For the second the convoy did not have any Israelis and American (those who are opposed the blockade, and there are many of them in Israel and in the US) aboard. For the third those who ran the project Ship to Gaza needed to have some colorful Israeli for instance cultural elite on board to make sure the safety of those people aboard the vessels.

The lack of those above mentioned considerations made it easier for Israeli forces to aggressively carry out the attack on the convoy.

For the fourth the Israeli- Palestinian conflict is more complicated to be solved or to be teased in this way. Do not forget that Israel is located in a very hostile region and among hostile countries that make the situation even more complicated. The Israeli government is aware of the fact that the hostile and very rich countries in the region such as Saudi Arabia and Iran can cause huge problems for Israeli people if Israel shows a weak image of itself. The fact that Israelis act in that way is because of fear they feel and they know that they are not strong enough compared with those Arabic countries and The Islamic regime of Iran which are committed to destroy the land of Israel. Israel is not that strong that the European countries want to apply.

I remember the founder of the Islamic regime of Iran, ayatollah Khomeini ones said: "If every Muslim throws a bucket of water on Israel, Israel will be sunk." That is the reason they act as they do. It is a reaction of fear. It is not an action of strength.


© Samuel E. Rajeus, editor, S.E.R. Publ.


Övriga genrer (Essä/Recension) av Samuel E. Rajeus VIP
Läst 847 gånger och applåderad av 9 personer
Publicerad 2010-06-01 19:35

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  Samuel E. Rajeus VIP
Hej Patrik!

Jag håller fullständigt med dig. Jag tror inte att folk i Europa verkligen förstår hur det är att vara under ständig hot och trakasseri.

Det judiska folket, en gång så fredliga sådant, har lidit mycket. Först ville deras landsmän, tyskar, polacker, italienare, svenskar o s v utrota dem bara för att de hade haft en annan religion. Jag mår så dåligt när jag tänker på det. Landsmän skickade milliontals av sina landsmän till förintelseläger bara för att de hade haft en annan religion, bara för att de hade haft en annan religion. Det barbariska handlandet av europeiska länder är ofattbart.

Nu vill den arabiska världen/den islamiska världen utrota dem. Hur mycket kan man ta? Det finns en gräns.

Det finns en blodig historia och en historisk fortfarande öppet sår och en enorm smärta bland det judiska folket vilket är förklaringen till deras aggressiva reaktioner på hot och förolämpning.

Det är inte många som förstår komplexiteten i denna konflikt.

Hamas är en terrororganisation, men Hamas är också en idé som måste bekämpas med en bättre idé, som Amos Oz säger. Vapen är inte svaret.

Den israeliska regeringen och det israeliska folket måste lita på sig att de klarar av att vinna detta slag utan att betraktas som tyrann.

Stort tack för ditt engagemang och dina inlägg.
Hjärtligt tack till er alla för ert engagemang och feedback.

Samuel E. Rajeus

  Samuel E. Rajeus VIP
"Militär styrka är livsviktig för Israel, men den kommer aldrig att lösa landets verkliga problem: den stinkande belägringen av Gaza... Varje försök att använda våld på andra sätt än som självförsvar kommer att leda till fler katastrofer." Israels ledande författare, Nobelpriskandidaten Amos Oz

  L Patrik W Johansson VIP
12-50 av dessa turkiska "fredsaktivister" är utbildade inom militära organisationer, blåögda europer förstår inte att Hamastrogna terrorister söker sig till just fredsaktivister

ingen förhandlar med Gaza innan Fatah tagit över från Hamas


Be well,


  Lars P K
First of all a correction of the facts: There were both Americans and Israelis on board the ships bound for Gaza. Among them some, would I say, should qaulify as being part of the "colorful elite". As for example: Edward Peck, a former American ambassador and Hanin Zoabi, a member of the Knesset.

When it comes to your conclusion, maybe you're right that Israel's behavior was an act of fear. Unfortunately, the fear seems to have had the ability to blindside in such a way that the state of Israel does not realize its evil conduct.

Hopefully, this event (if Israel ever comes out of denial phase) will lead to that the leaders in the Holy Land finally are waking up from their megalomania and their self-pity.

The state of Israel have over the years done more harmful actions then on the incident yeasterday; and even if it is not the first time they are using military violence against peace-workers, I doubt that they ever have done anything more stupid to them selfs.

  Samuel E. Rajeus VIP
Redaktion: Poeter.se

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håller med dig anakreon
fientligheten ligger hos båda

sen är jag jävligt trött på tjafset om Guds utvalda folk

Tack för denna text, som berättar saker som jag inte kände till. Nej, inget är väl svart eller vitt.

  Catharina Edin VIP
Thankyou for a clarifying text.

  L Patrik W Johansson VIP
I wrote yesterday in a comment it is the fear of Iran and Egypt (now Turkey) bringing in weapons to Hamas, the elected but marked-as-terrorist regime by both UN & EU

the tunnels in the desert for weapons that comes in to Gaza is the real problem and is up on a weekly basis by diplomats internationally...the clothes and food's not the problem

Hamas firing up to 6 robots during christmas is the real problem
not Israels reaction, yes I agree they should have taken it more seriously, since this is as old as Egypt and since Lord Nelson brought peace to the state 1917 this has been going on but even the larger arab nations wants peace around this, Syria & Saudi Arabia for instance

I sensed something were wrong even before they left
noone provoces an already bad situation without an hidden agenda like that, this is between Turkey and Israel

Turkey who is the land within EU that has the most massacres of their own people that they dont even recognize
or want to take responsibility for is to me europes China

remember Turkey warned Sweden during Winter for pointing out some of those massacres of their own people
so why swedes were on turkish ships is beyond me
on neutral ships from UN is another thing

food and clothes is for UN to organize
everything else is a "björntjänst"
as we say

so very well said
I see these ships as VERY passive agressive
as do most of the lands internationally
Im surprised noone tried to stop it within UN

"So getting aboard a number of Swedes on a ship and heading to the Gaza hoping that one can break the Israeli blockade of Gaza was just a very childish way of solving the problem, because as I said, for the first Israeli government has no respect for/confidence in European countries, particularly Sweden based on the bloody history before"

Be well,

  Larz Gustafsson VIP
I love Israel. They are God´s chosen people, the covenant people.

I find this well written, even if I can't agree with the double standards (compare to Israel itself being one of those hostile countries that keeps fueling the fire).

What I really dislike tho is how some people keep littering the comments with nonsense and their schoolyard mentality.

  Larz Gustafsson VIP
Hostility started with Arab aggression against Israel back in 1948.

  © anakreon VIP
Hostility is a two way street.

  Larz Gustafsson VIP
Thank you for writing and posting this!
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Samuel E. Rajeus
Samuel E. Rajeus VIP