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Maybe not stunnig but it\'s written in a moment when it felt like this.

To live

To live is to dare
it\'s to scream out loud,
to laugh like mad
until you fall straight down

To live is to try,
test the bounds of your life
to stretch them as far as you can
to see if they break

To live is to love,
love the life for it\'s richness
your family for their support
and your friends for their understanding

To live is to be;
be scared and angry,
happy and loving,
and never deny it.

To live is to in one, tiny moment,
change your entire world.
To reach out for someone who is falling,
to comfort a person in tears

Life is like music
it changes from slow to fast,
wild to calm,
loud and quiet.

Fri vers av Xori
Läst 271 gånger
Publicerad 2005-11-25 21:52

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There are a lot of small little parts that all together add up to that big thing we call life.
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