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October 2010. Exercise 3 - Creative Writing.

Equilibrium of an Imperfect Mind

The beauty of the mind, most accurate, most times,
yet devastatingly confusing at other times.
Embedding visions into reality,
then swirling around us in destructive patterns.
Seductive trails conducting creation
of an obsolete case.

The nervous mind; the self-conscious; the absorbing,
where does it lead our radiant selves?
The Charles of our heads
is being held against our will.
Yes, I know, most of you cannot pay notice
to these other souls who share our space.
So keep shaking your heads you,
in disbelief, in amused bewilderment.

Rationality of thought; the enemy,
imposing, limiting our relation to the cosmos.
I would rather, then, be what I am:
A schizoid paranoid, continuously differentiable,
oscillating here in front of you all.
I am sorry to have to disclose to you -
I understand you cannot comprehend.

A righteous mind; a dangerous mind.
Life is a mystery, it is a conspiracy,
and its transparency is up to us.
But there is love; that thing that governs truth,
and it will save us, even while it may kill us.

Yes, I see your doubt, but still there is love to be conveyed,
to be discovered, uncovered, and consumed.
Yet the first kiss is also the last,
and death instantaneous.
While all in all what is this life
but an acquired taste?
We feed our demons, and they stay alive,
thus, our equilibrium will last.

Fri vers av Elnath
Läst 167 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-30 13:32

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