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Monday Men

slic ric to the fictional shit
you hit when you spit
at your dick get rich as you lit

the fuse so amused not abused
still accused when you choose
between the leaves and the roots
and the two of the new
not as simple as a few
still action at the que
Can I get a standing fuck you

we get up we get down
what's the plan for us now
like a clown make a sound
you should know what I found
make the circle really round

make a rhyme for the word?
make a dime in this world
take a job to be heard

still corporate leaders lyin'
find the daddy who's buyin'
it ain't easy but keep tryin'
marry girls and a guy named Brian
gay baboon greet gray cocoon
meet silverspoon mate hey how you doin'
say mey don't be fooling its okey
tryin stay cool in the game it's the same
change you're name if you're lame
hate ain't you're mate
say that to your faith
show never any rage
try your best, don't be late

Fri vers av CanisMajoris
Läst 157 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-12-30 04:03

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