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shape space end desire (empir)

shape space end desire

Before alone and would
   the soft numbness

my mind sensation
ends in satisfaction
would the satisfaction
alone in sensation
and numbness - ends
before my soft mind

was that pure delicious

Your geometrical are away from
        eternal whises of
          stay and being
                    with love
Your love of eternal, being
away from geometrical, whishes
are found with

stay away from geometrical whishes
Your eternal being are found with - love

the resemblance time

laugh fleeing silky

the absolute plays

nails a question

the attraction

ghosted archetype theme

lucidity confuses mind
the absolute mind

the laugh archetype
plays a fleeing silky question

ghosted theme nails lucidity


art pleasure itself

your very reformulation itself
       trembles movement
and the dead image
       never provides illumination
flesh and night ends
very dead flesh itself never trembles
and provides night movement
your illumination ends
the reformulation image

that mind burns comfusion

that figure will alternate
     states             hot
        my    air        breaks

             in that

Fri vers av Nightngale
Läst 256 gånger
Publicerad 2005-12-11 17:36

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