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Once every now and then
in every town across the land
a boy would feel the rythm of his friends

and accasionally
this kid would grab a microphone and speak


every single day I pray for god
he listened once he listened twice
then he wasnt sure

and in the distant field I just feel the same
like being in my box
of black again

once there isn't much to tell
this boy would be a monkey man
to be tossed around wherever he went

but eventually
he would find a way to set himself free

every single day I would pray for god
he listened once he listened twice
then he wasnt sure

and in the distant field I just feel the same
like being in my box
like being in

Fri vers av CanisMajoris
Läst 382 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-03-19 01:28

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