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Kiddo B

Oh sweet girl, tough brake
mean world, such a race
wondering what you got
and what you have forgotten

how to act all looser and teens
like yourself, sunshine breeze
you long for sunshine without fear
oh kiddo what happened here

Are you talentless are you strong
when you're laughing at the world
get up and be traveling off and on
you'll be good at the face of my own

You aren't nothing I should know
but I can't be trusted right kiddo?
'Cause you see I don't buy that shit
being special is all about feeling it

and I
know that
you do

There's something in your soul
bothering me all along
I can see through that hole
exotic but perfectly wrong

You're so sad kiddo
tell me all of your songs
how you hurt like a breaker
and break to be gone

I see you like a feather
Caught in a thunderstorm
No need for wings or gravity
when you're tossed like a stone

and just

like that

you're sitting on my roof

talking, crying

feeling the mood

finally you fell

at the end you broke

you're hair caught the fire

and in the wind you're soaked

like a feather you rose

levitated away

gone with the sundown

with nothing to say

that nightfall I saw

the complete liberation

of the inprisoned mind

set free into a world

soon to be mine

Fri vers av CanisMajoris
Läst 155 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-04-13 17:28

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