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En kompis till mig från england ville höra en svensk folkhistoria som hon hade hört nämnas för ett tag sen. såhär blev min berättelse av legenden om Hårgadansen


In Swedish legend there is a tale about the dark fiddler.
One saturday night in the early 19th century in the village of Hårga the youth of the village had a dance with the local fiddler playing them tunes to dance to.
Time rolled on and the evening turn to night and the fiddler left because he wanted rest before the curch sermon the day after. The youth were still not done dancing and a man went up on stage with his fiddle in his hand and told them that the night was far from over and the dance would continue.
The man played songs slow, fast, mild and wild. Every song he played made the youth dance with new energy and new smiles to continue their dancing.
The night continued and he played for hours an end when dawn started rising on the sky. The fiddler rose from his seat and continued his music out of the building out in the streets with the youth following him in dance. They walked through the village and out in the fields and up to the hill outside Hårga.
Standing on the top hill he stood and played a song never heard before by the youth but they could not stop dancing. The man started to smile as the youth danced wilder and wilder to the tunes of his fiddle untill they their bodies failed them and they all fell down dead.

The curchbells rang and the villagers started walking to church when they noticed that none of the youth was there to join them. They stoped the sermon to look for the youths, when they went to the barn where the dance was held the night before a girl of 16 was laying on the floor barely breathing.
They took her to the local doctor and she gradually got her strength back. When they asked her about what had happened to the rest of the youth she said

”A man in dark came to play on his fiddle for us. After hours of dancing i fell down and couldn't get up. I looked up to see the man who played thies songs to us i saw a clowen hoof under his robe and a wicked smile on his face.”

The girl died later that same day and her body turned into dust the day after that.

Övriga genrer (Drama/Dialog) av Rovanda D
Läst 413 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-05-01 03:47

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Rovanda D