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En kort berättelse om den psykiskt störda Kenny och hans vardag. Han gör det som faller han in även om det är det sjukaste han kan komma på, får han en tanke i huvudet måste han utföra den.

A nothing-special day

It was a normal day for Kenny, nothing special at all. He sat by the window with his dead uncle Jerry in his arms, he stroked Jerry’s brown, half rotten hair with a gentle lightness on the hand. The sun shone through the window down upon the two figures on the floor. Kenny had great expectations of what would become of this day.

Every morning when he sat by the window and stroked Jerry’s hair he thought of all the new knowledge he may have gained by the evening, all the new experiences he would have, what would be new about him when the sun shone down on him the next day? How much more of Uncle Jerry’s hair and body would by rotten? Would Nick, his poor little hamster, have died?

By twelve a clock Kenny have had enough of waiting for the day to begin so he lifted the dead body over to the corner were Nick sits and tucked him in upon his old blanket. The old lady under Kenny’s flat, was vacuuming, you could hear the sound of that thing for miles away, but Kenny had no reason to be annoyed by it after all it was he who had bought it for her, he cursed himself for it every time she got the itch to clean. Why he had bought it for her, he really couldn’t understand, it was one of his spontaneous ideas that made him do it. He sometimes gets ideas like that and feels that he just has to act upon them. He says to himself “you’ve never done that, so why not? Broaden your horizons”.

On this nothing-special day the old lady (whom he didn’t even know the name of) was cleaning the carpet just outside his door, that drove him to madness. “you’ve never hit a women with a vacuum cleaner, why not try it now?” he thought. He opened the door and there stood the old lady, crouched over that noisy thing on the floor with the vacuum handle in her hands. When he saw her a second thought hit him “you’ve never hit a women with a vacuum cleaner until she’s all covered in blood, why not try it now?” He grabbed the tube of the vacuum-cleaner and wrapped it around her neck, then he lifted the noisy darn thing and slammed it down on the lady’s head. The poor little lady’s head, with the white curly hair on top, was crushed against the floor, the recently cleaned floor, was now soaked in 1 inch of blood and brain-matter.

With no thought of what he had just done he stepped over her body and walked down the three staircases and then out of the door. Once outside he took a deep breath and stood for a minute in the cool spring sun. “What shall I do now? Maybe I should buy a chocolate-strawberry-ice cream with nuts on top. That would be delicious. The Asian guy by the museum makes good ice creams. Yes let’s do it!” He spurred towards the museum for a nice lesson in culture and ice-cream and all along the way he whistled to the melody of Monty Pythons “Always look on the bright side of life”. “What a great start off the day” he said to himself “the sun is shining, I’m about to have a delicious ice-cream in my hand and I’m just feeling so good.

Övriga genrer av SiggeLina
Läst 240 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-05-13 19:36

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