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I know I can't do anything

I wish I could do something,
something to make you understand
or just stop the time for a while

It hurts when you just leave me like this,
I wish you could be mine,
I wish you wanted to be mine,
but I know it's a lot going on
in your chaotic life,
but I miss you so badly
that it hurts

Before I go to sleep
I cry and I just want to scream
how much I like you,
it hurts to try to move on

Did I do something wrong?
Do I not look good enough for you
or what's going on?
I just want you to tell me the truth

I really wish I could do something,
I wish I could stop the time

Fri vers av Paulis
Läst 160 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-09-06 23:57

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