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Questioning of current gender roles

Blue Car, Pink Doll - A Short Story

Pink Doll Shy, standing in a corner.
Fast Blue Car rushing by.
What reaction be if the Blue Car would be
standing in the corner and the Pink Doll
be running by?
(Would the Blue Car turn green of envy,
claiming the Pink Doll´s action would threaten
it´s position as a car?)

Pink Doll still standing in the corner, feeling blue.
But not the same blue as the car, a different type of blue.
The kind of blue that says: Why am I here? Why do I exist?

Nothing seems to take any notice of the Pink Doll,
except the Black Suits overlooking the scene.
Quiet. All is quiet.
The Car is in the garage, the Doll is in the dollhouse,
the Suits in the closet observing from afar.
Every day, every time.
Over and over again.

Fri vers av Mohawk
Läst 248 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-04-15 23:44

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