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This apology is for several persons in my life. Feel free to interpret the way you want.


I\'m sorry for leaving
I\'m sorry you\'re sad
I\'m sorry I\'m laughing
it\'s making you mad

I\'m sorry you wouldn\'t
understand what I said
I\'m sorry we couldn\'t
see what we had.

I\'m sorry for smiling
so sorry to be glad
but more sorry for crying
and beeing all sad.

I\'m sorry for leaving
but memories are left
I\'m sorry for dancing
but this won\'t be theft

I don\'t want to leave you
don\'t want you to be mad
but I can\'t face all trouble
so I\'ll leave it at that.

Fri vers av Xori
Läst 253 gånger
Publicerad 2006-01-30 12:38

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I AM SORRY. DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT. I am messing with your brain. Sorry.

AHA... I think you might be APOLOGIZING for something... :P Just make sure you turn your back on people who really care about you (and who you care about) just because it's easy. Interesting seeing you rhyme, there wasn't much of a pattern in it but you can't always do that. It sometimes makes you pay more attention if you break the pattern - so, keep me on my toes, please!!! Good on you.
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