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Broken china

The sound of something that breaks
splashes to the floor
the musical rhyme of china
adding bleeding wounds on my toes

The moment of despair
flashback in slowmotion
china though I can repair
unlike the hearts I\'ve broken

The shocking silence
that follows a mistake
can not be forgotten
for heavens sake!

Even if this was not your intention
you seriously screw up
the floor is now all messy
and we received several cuts

But the sound of something that breaks
splashing to the floor
will not be forgotten
it\'s an evil, echoing roar.

Fri vers av Xori
Läst 259 gånger
Publicerad 2006-02-04 22:03

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It's cool you using the word "splashing" for china breaking. makes you think of water instead. bit of a contrast. first, when I was the title, I though you meant broken China as in the country :P what have we done? you cannot crush us!
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