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Crawling dosnt help it now
It will get closer somehow
For I know it will dissapear
With my last tear
Mabey I can breathe
If I belive
Just dosnt seem right
To bring up a hopeless fight
No matter how much you take
My mind will not brake
An esay
An esay ay out of this path



You cant just run and hide

Smile of a moon and she cant run
An crawling creauture number one
Hunting list will get red
Of a blood so red so red
Dripping down the bed
To big now

To big

To small

Just can find a way

Alice did it
Alice did it

Well no

Mommy wake me up


Fri vers av Darling she lies...
Läst 138 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-07-01 20:28

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Darling she lies...
Darling she lies...