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Oh sweet bonny lass...

you are Stardust and Neverwhere,
a Wonderland, of elsewhen
and whatbecomes light
beneath your tongue
a twisting squirrel, such
grace and dance is rarely seen
a flower most proud
cherished in peace
oh Mist! I long to see
she that glows so emerald green.


A fairy tale so true
filled with longing due
a voice calls out in song
to name remembrance
all along, from within
an honesty embraced - such
is the sound of your voice
a touch of a whisper
wings set in flight.


Oh Rose! And Thyme!
Why, oh why, should we thirst!
When, our need is great,
our leaves are full.
Oh sunshine, let us in
into light and glistening,
droplets against our skin,
sprinkles, sparkles, chimes,
how fair your touch,
your happy air,
we dance and sing, as we must.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Tobias Hedlund
Läst 334 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-12-31 01:57

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Tobias Hedlund
Tobias Hedlund