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I Don't Care

Can I be your Günther
from certain angles
my face looks symmetric

run a comb through
and then inhale
my thin moustache

I feel funny as usual
the taste of carpet
and purple gums

the synthetic food
inside the microwave
is my best friend

that's sugarcoating it
my fingers is scewed
and my chin is too

everything is a fucking
joke and I just
want to beat a model up

I'm a rainbow now
racecar loathing
on the parkinglot

Imma tell you what
I'm really into your
boring as hell

chugg a pint of rum
and put your greasy lips
on whole families

the things these
sluts suggest to me
they aren't real

Bunden vers av CanisMajoris2
Läst 189 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-01-01 21:42

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