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Letter from depression

Dear Victim,

I am here,
Tt change your life in ways,
you cannot even begin to comprehend.
I'll make sure you're never happy again,
I'll suck the very energy out of you,
Leaving you hopeless and alone.
I'll not only hurt you.
Through you I will spread like a cancer
and hurt everyone you love,
and everything you hold dear.
I will hurt them so badly that they will blame you.


Hate you for bringing me into their lives.
I will take away everything you love.
I will take away every good thing about you.
I will not stop until I destroy you.


There is nothing you can do to stop me.

I will flood you with so much pain.
You will want to end your own life.

You're mine.


Fri vers av Zokkiie
Läst 136 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-12-26 22:43

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