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Morning Ritual

The alarm clock tells me I'm late
It's irritated and screams
I wake up with a heavy head
And just want to sleep
It continues to scream and I hit its head
It's unconcious
And I continue sleeping

Suddenly the cell phone sings
I better get up
Slowly, slowly
I get out of bed
I visit the toilet
My bangs are in the way
I pin them up.

I go back to sleep
The alarm clock wakes up
This time I make it sleep for the next day
Slowly I fall a sleep again
I think I shouldn't
I have school
But I just wanna sleep

Suddenly a text message
I wake up and hit my head
I dress and look for my bag
The books don't want to be crammed in a bag
I take my cell phone, my keys
The coat and shoes are on in seconds
I run to the bus with all my might

I sit down in the middle
It's a good section
I take a deep breath
"I'll make it in time"
I remember I got a text and search for my phone
I open it and stare
"We don't have a lesson today, remember?"

(November 2009)

Fri vers av Litia Featers
Läst 86 gånger
Publicerad 2014-12-07 10:24

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Litia Featers