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In the corridors

This is a true
story of mine
Not very strange and not very fine
It goes back ten years in time

The formative years
are often the worst
I know it is true for better or for worse
Sometimes I curse them all

My so called friends
I seldom could trust
Sometimes they acted like I was the dust
that lay on the floors of the corridors
where we hung about
minutes to count in the corridors

The bullying and bullshit
was everyday life
You tried to steer clear but it was always so near
ready to sneer
to say "You are weird!"
This was the fear in the corridors

But there were times
I did enjoy
I don't mean to say I was left without joy
Quite an ordinary boy
Also I could annoy
not like Crabbe and Goyle
flanking Malfoy in the corridors

There was a girl
younger than me
One day our eyes met and all I did feel
was butterflies and beams
It was all new to me
'cause I was a teen
who played soccer in a team
who never made a scene in the corridors

Now I see kids
going to class
I guess that some of them wished it was their last
They only care to pass
that day 'n then run fast
away on the grass from the corridors

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av dreamquarter
Läst 151 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2016-01-19 22:57

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