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Birds, words and nature in the context of faith. Writers and photographers Curtis and Norma Beaird.

Poets Love Birds

Mexican Sunflowers - Plant These and Enjoy the Show
Praise God for Mexican Sunflowers!! Earlier in the Spring, we were at Walmart looking around in the Garden Shop, checking out the bird feeders, the ceramic pots and flower seeds. When we saw the seed display, we knew that we wanted to plant sunflowers again. I caught a glimpse of a packet that featured a vivid orange flower with a golden center. Curtis and I thought that these flowers would be fun to plant. So, on a whim, we bought some Mexican Sunflower seeds. We have read on the website, The Gardener's Network, that Mexican Sunflowers are drought tolerant. However, after we planted them here in rural Southern Georgia and observed, here is what we have learned:

This summer, we have had extremely hot weather with temperatures soaring to 100 degrees. At times, the Heat Index feels like camping next to a volcano. It has been a burning heat this summer. In addition, the humidity (which plants love) has been off the chart. Just walk outside and break a sweat. Even though plants love humidity, the intense heat has been tough on the blooms and the leaves. Therefore, we have watered the Mexican Sunflowers every day, especially after we watched them, time and time again, go into total droop mode. Sometimes, we turned on the mist feature on our garden hose attachment and generously misted them after we watered them at the roots. We have also deadheaded the scorched blooms. Between the watering and the deadheading, we've had a very successful blooming period. And, the lovely winged creatures have enjoyed their bright orange garden!

Here is some great information taken directly from The Gardener's Network:

How to Grow Tithonia, Mexican Sunflower Plants

Annual, Tithonia Rotundifolia

Tithonia, also called Mexican Sunflower, is an annual plant that is native to Mexico and Central America. This drought tolerant plant likes warm weather.

Tithonia blooms from summer to fall. The daisy-like flowers in orange and yellow, grow 2 1/2" to 3 inches across. Remove spent blooms to promote new flowers.

Grow Tithonia plants at the back of the border. You can also grow them in groups. They will grow 36" to 60" tall. Some people grow them in containers. If you choose to do so, put them in large floor pots.

Mexican Sunflowers attract butterflies.

Tithonia is also referred to as ""Golden Flower of the Incas".
Popular Varieties:
Torch - grows 4-6 feet tall.
Goldfinger - grows just 2-3 feet tall

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av gadecosmetics.se
Läst 75 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-08-25 10:24

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