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Något jag skrev för många år sedan, efter att jag brutit ett destruktivt förhållande med en flicka jag ändå höll väldigt kär. Förnuftets seger över känslan? En insikt som gjorde ont i vilket fall. PS. Har ingen aning om hur man ska kategorisera detta...

Another life, another time

Another life, another time.

I wish I knew before I met you.
That you would be the end of me.
I whish I knew before, 
that nothing would be the same again.

A point in life which turns the world upside down.
Or was it a point in time when the world turns up right?
Up or down, it matters not, 
the world is in chaos anyways.

You triggered the chaos in me and I embraced it with all my heart. 
I hold on to it because it reminds me of you. 
You, the point in my life wich turned the world to chaos.
The chaos in my heart reflects my feelings in this world.

Why does the right thing seem so wrong 
and why does the wrong ones seem so right?
The chaos in the world, your creation.
The chaos in my heart, my response.
The chaos im my mind, the result that tears me apart.

There is nothing more in this world. .. only chaos.. and time.
I can do nothing, but wait for the chaotic winds to lull, to die.
I know that when it does, my world will rise anew, 
my heart will beat stronger than before and my mind shall be at ease again.

So I wait. I wait for you.
Another life, another time.

Övriga genrer av Det ljusa mörkret
Läst 147 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2018-06-16 00:49

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