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Förr eller senare kommer hon att inse faktum. Hon kommer att leva ända fram till sin död, inte en dag längre heller. Bara att hon inte vet när, var, hur och om det kommer att vara just 'en vacker dag', så där som hennes mor brukade säg

A fish dish wish

One of these days someone will say to her.
One of these days someone will wisper in
her ear, and she will be deaf on it,
because not anyone will listen to another
woice who is delivering such words.

One evening the fish will be the dinner
she have to eat. A fried one and she want to eat it,
because she could smell it,
just by remembering something of that smell.
It should be some day in a future
she had to dream a little dream of.

Prosa (Fabel/Saga) av lodjuret/seglare VIP
Läst 129 gånger
Publicerad 2021-07-07 01:50

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lodjuret/seglare VIP