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"Can't Stop Loving You"

will we ever find peace
inside our hearts reside

every touch we make

are there no more
no more words to say


“please stay inside me”

“promise me…
never stop breathing"

“Shall we dance?”

I’ll stay awake by your side
just to see your smile
fade away my love

inside you’re fighting still
memories to claim your soul tonight

I’ll stay awake by your side
just to see you sleep
and every waking moment

you breathe so gently and I inside you
we give birth to love together

and when my dream is no more
and my heart bids me rest

I'm at your side

with open eyes
I’ll stay awake

Fri vers (Fri form) av Nightngale
Läst 627 gånger
Publicerad 2006-09-01 16:06

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