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"I lost my name!"
- You told me it was of no significance!
"How could I’ve done otherwise?"
- You tell me!

What would be different,
if I only had spoken?
Where would we stand today,
if we would not regret?

"There is no more sun in your eyes, once loved."
- It could never be different than just light between us, beloved.
"Perhaps I shall walk towards you in another life, once loved."
- Our steps always walk towards each other, my beloved.

"I dream of another life without your presence, once loved."
- Our life is no more than our hearts desire to meet each other, my beloved.
"How could I‘ve been so blind not to recognise you, once loved."
- Listen. Listen to the music.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Nightngale
Läst 429 gånger
Publicerad 2006-12-07 01:28

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