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Ännu en engelsk text. Däremot är detta inte fiktion. Utan det är jag som pratar, om mig, liknande en dagbok. /William

The Subway and I Don\'t clash

The Subway and I don’t clash
The Subway. I never actually thought that it was such a nice and interesting place, well as long as the station is comfortable, clean and organized.
I ran into some very interesting people today while working, I work as a delivery boy or you may call me a “walking ad” basically I wear a huge vest that says “Metro” it’s a daily newspaper.

I get up 5 AM and get home at about 11:30. It’s my first job. I actually liked it, maybe cause I been so isolated lately, so alone, and suddenly I am in female company, and that’s the best mood boost I can get. I work with some nice people at least, and the other “Walking Ads” from the other daily papers also work close by.

I think what I liked the most was that the people that I made eye contact with mostly smiled at me, it feels good, I smiled back naturally.

As a nervous kind of guy I am of course very self-aware, it’s a bit of a pain as usual, but It doesn’t control me and neither does my anxiety. I am very worried that the woman, that me and this other guy we work with doesn’t like me though, everyone has to like, how could they not like me? Sure I can be pretty transparent at times but I’m generally a very nice person.

I was very comfortable. I haven’t been that in a while. Staying inside at home can get a bit tedious sometimes. Working at the subway station, I am something that helps other people, It’s obviously easier to take the paper i\'m offering rather than the one in the pile, and they seem to like me greeting them, I only greet those who reach for a paper though, I call it “ A paper greet “ take a paper and you get a nice greet from me.
And I guess this might feel a bit cocky but walking in the uniform like that makes me feel very secure about myself, it gives me a set identity, I know what I am at that moment and I know what my purpose is. It feels great. I haven’t got much more to say about this really. It was my first day. Tomorrow is my second, let’s hope it’s as good.

/Your dearest paperboy

Prosa (Prosapoesi) av William87
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Publicerad 2007-09-03 15:21

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