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Skulle kunna vara en rapsong eller nåt, men ja... skrev bara något och det blev rätt bra, jag menar... jag har aldrig skrivit någon rapsong föurt. HAAH! X) Handlar om 3 familjer i sina lägenheter i samma hus, som tror att dom andra verkar ha det så bra g

In this three-storey house

On the ground floor lives Jane,
She refuse to admit it but she knows it so well...
that her inside is bleeding, and that she\'s crying for help.
You can hear that \' she\'s praying every night, every day
a long time have passed, but still the problem remains,
it just wont go away.. now the question is:
how long can she stand by faith?

Who thought, that in this three-storey house
it would be so much pain and suffering, but still so empty.
On the ground floor lives a girl who\'s all alone and broken
and on the second one there\'s a man who can\'t avoid violence because of the alcohol.
And on the third floor lives another family, the Baker\'s, who thinks that they\'re son is so happy while he is not...

On the second floor lives Marc and his family. And Marc,
He tries to stay away from the drinks, but now that he\'s been
addicted to it, the demons have captured him.
And he has got a family, a wife named Jenna and they\'re daughter Lilly
But Jenna\'s so afraid, cause he beats her and maybe soon Lilly
She so afraid to run away, afraid that they can\'t escape from Marc, cause he is too dangerous, it\'s not easy for them.

Who thought, that in this three-storey house
it would be so much pain and suffering, but still so empty.
On the ground floor lives a girl who\'s all alone and broken
and on the second one there\'s a man who can\'t avoid violence because of the alcohol.
And on the third floor lives another family, the Baker\'s, who thinks that they\'re son is so happy while he is not...

On the third floor lives the family Barker, and Jerry is the little brother, thirteen years old, he\'s a little chubby and he\'s ganged up in his class, all the boys says that he\'s ugly and worthless, and the girls treat him like air. The family cannot see what\'s going on, can\'t see that Jerry has no one, no friend, he doesn\'t speak much with his parents. He just wish that the next day will be the last one, he doesn\'t think that his broken soul can ever mend.

Who thought, that in this three-storey house
it would be so much pain and suffering, but still so empty.
On the ground floor lives a girl who\'s all alone and broken
and on the second one there\'s a man who can\'t avoid violence because of the alcohol.
And on the third floor lives another family, the Baker\'s, who thinks that they\'re son is so happy while he is not...

Now I pray to you, God who\'s above, please help them... all family\'s on every floors, in every house, apartment, wherever they are. They really need your help...

Thanks for listening.

copyright - Yohanna Berg, aka. kryssmynta.

Övriga genrer av kryssmynta
Läst 199 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-09-21 20:17

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