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Trying to obtain.

Trying to obtain,
something I will never gain.
It\'s a duty to keep on living,
even though we\'ve missed the whole point of being.
Why can\'t I see the light,
when I\'m not allowed to see someone I love without a fight.
If there was a chance I\'d take it,
not even the chains of Hell would stop me from having it.
What to do,
When the whole world is crashing right in front of you?
Did you miss something I said?
Now all the villagers are dead.
You can hear someone cry.
Hell, we should be the ones about to die.
I can only feel hatred,
even though everyone says love is fated.
Cruel intentions,
make loads of splendid tensions.
Heaven and Hell,
ring fucking ring,
goes the gravebell...

Fri vers av Dark Angel
Läst 280 gånger
Publicerad 2007-11-13 22:44

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Dark Angel
Dark Angel