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R.I.P sayyed hashim


Now be quiet river
he will never taste you again

be still wind
you will never caress his honey skin again

hush sweet earth
he will never touch you again

let time die, for a moment
let this day be absent for this life
let the stars stop shining
for my eyes have been robbed of a sweet soul

Now the streets of Babylon are bloodier then before
brother kills brother
neighbour murders neighbour
and the value of a life has lost it´s significance
never has a soul been so cheap
never has the sorrow been so painful

so take my hand Sjeherazade
and blindfold me
lead me away from it all

help me to turn my back to the sweet palm trees
to the memory of the golden river of Eufrid and Tigris

let me leave Bint el-huda alone in the darkness
where all my sisters are sleeping

let me run away from my mother

ya Fatimah el-Sahra
your blood run´s in my vain
but it is too strong for this old body of mine
it is too worm for my icy vain

- where is my brother?
- he is resting in the other room, he is fine, he is ok….
- don´t lie to me
his head fell on my knee and
no breath left his lips

the king of babylon left us alone and lost like never before

Mesoptaine has lost a weaponless soldier

Our world has lost the last guardian of light without knowing it

be quiet river
be still wind
hush earth of Babylon
you will never feel him again
you have lost his touch
but we have kept his memory

be quiet
be still

Fri vers av lady
Läst 392 gånger
Publicerad 2005-07-22 12:12

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