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My beloved leaf

When I needed you the most
you just fell to the ground
the leaf who soared it's way
so far away from the crown
and there you lay in disguise
on the cold rugged ground
without the roots and the tree itself
my leaf will slowly die
You know I'd follow
but I was stuck onto the branch
and even if I could leave
how would I ever stand a chance
to soar the same way you did
to fall onto the same spot
only to lose my color with you
I stretched myself from my height
the whole tree leaned to your direction
but you were beyond reach
to me you can never be replaced
my beloved leaf
who soared it's way so far away from our tree.

Fri vers av Tjeckspeare
Läst 236 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-07 16:44

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