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And so many times he had left her.
Just to break her heart once more.
She wanted him to stop.
Then he said those words that he said, so many times before.

I love you.
Three small words.
It feels so nice.
The feelings run around in you like an herd.

Fear is another strong feeling.
One that many use as often as "I Love's".
But fear is something that's always true.
No fabrications, it's not a thousand doves.

But both can be equally terrible.
But only one of them can be beautiful.
Fear on the other hand.
Never use it, it is awful.

Fri vers av Dark Angel
Läst 206 gånger
Publicerad 2008-11-21 02:32

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Jag vet inte, lite svårt att förstå texten tycker jag. Första delen om "love", mkt fint. Men sedan detta om "fear" - kändes som att texten ville berätta ngt mer här, men som inte riktigt kom fram. El kanske var det ett medvetet val?
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Dark Angel
Dark Angel